The ATTACKDomain object provides a simple interface for loading and interacting with a single domain within the ATT&CK framework.


We provide two methods of loading the ATTACKDomain object, either from a local repository through load(), or by downloading the ATTACKDomain object from a remote repository using download(). The recommended way of initializing an ATTACKDomain object is through load() as this assures that your project works with a consistent version of the MITRE ATT&CK framework and avoids repeated downloading of the CTI sources.


# Import ATT&CK
from py_attack import ATTACKDomain

# Load from local repository - recommended
domain = ATTACKDomain.load(
    path   = "path/to/local/cti/enterprise-attack/enterprise-attack.json",
    domain = 'enterprise',

# Download from online source
domain =
    url    = "",
    domain = 'enterprise',


You can retrieve a specific MITRE ATT&CK concept according to its identifier (see format) or UUID.


# Import ATT&CK
from py_attack import ATTACKDomain

# Load from local repository - recommended
domain = ATTACKDomain.load(
    path   = "path/to/local/cti/enterprise-attack/enterprise-attack.json",
    domain = 'enterprise',

# Get technique using ID T1087
technique = domain['T1087']
technique = domain.get('T1087')


Rather than retrieving a concept via one of the DomainGetter methods, you can also iterate over various concepts. A domain within the MITRE ATT&CK framework consists of the following concepts: matrices, tactics, techniques, sub_techniques, groups, software, procedures, relationships and mitigations,. All of these are easily accessible via the following iterator properties:


# Import ATT&CK
from py_attack import ATTACKDomain

# Load from local repository - recommended
domain = ATTACKDomain.load(
    path   = "path/to/local/cti/enterprise-attack/enterprise-attack.json",
    domain = 'enterprise',

# Iterate over different concepts
for concept in domain.concepts:
for matrices in domain.matrices:
for tactics in domain.tactics:
for techniques in domain.techniques:
for sub_techniques in domain.sub_techniques:
for groups in domain.groups:
for software in
for procedures in domain.procedures:
for relationships in domain.relationships:
for mitigations in domain.mitigations:


All concepts within the ATTACKDomain have defined relations between them. E.g., groups use techniques to achieve tactics using specific software. These concepts and relations can therefore be modeled in a graph provided by the graph property.

Because all these concepts are related, we provide a method to find concepts that are (in)directly related to a given concept:


# Import ATT&CK
from py_attack import ATTACKDomain

# Load from local repository - recommended
domain = ATTACKDomain.load(
    path   = "path/to/local/cti/enterprise-attack/enterprise-attack.json",
    domain = 'enterprise',

# Get domain graph
graph = domain.graph

# Get concepts related to given ID T1087
related = domain.related_concepts('T1087')